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I would guess that is because it has a finite number of different states. (It is also known as a finite-state machine.)

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Q: Why a finite automaton is called finite?
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What is relation between regular languages finite automaton and regular grammars?

finite automaton is the graphical representation of language and regular grammar is the representation of language in expressions

Difference between deterministic finite automaton and non deterministic finite automaton?

The state machine described in the previous section is a deterministic finite automaton, in which each state is unique. What would make a finite automaton nondeterministic is if each state was not. For the example, if the state machine allowed the input to have any letter as the second letter for the word "person" to transition to the next, then the next state would not be unique, making it a nondeterministic finite automaton.

What is better Finite Automata or Regular Expression?

Finite Automata and Regular Expressions are equivalent. Any language that can be represented with a regular expression can be accepted by some finite automaton, and any language accepted by some finite automaton can be represented by a regular expression.

What is the definition of a buchi automaton?

A Buchi automaton is a regular automaton but reads infinite words instead of finite words. A word is defined to be in the language of the automaton iff a run of the automaton on it visits inifinitly many times in the group of final states (or receiving states).

What did nfa stand for?

NFA - Non-deterministic Finite Automaton, aka NFSM (Non-deterministic Finite State Machine)

What is a biautomaton?

A biautomaton is a finite automaton which arbitrarily alternates between reading the input from the left and from the right.

Difference between deterministic finite automata and non deterministic finite automata?

A deterministic finite automaton will have a single possible output for a given input. The answer is deterministic because you can always tell what the output will be. A nondeterministic finite automaton will have at least one input which will cause a "choice" to be made during a state transition. Unlike a DFA, one input can cause multiple outputs for a given NFA.

Distinguish between dfa and nfa?

DFA stands for Deterministic finite automaton and NFA stands for Nondeterministic finite automaton.Formally, an automaton is made up of: were delta is the transition function. In a DFA, delta takes as input a state and letter and returns only one state. In an NFA, delta takes as input a state and letter but returns a set of states.An NFA accepts a word iff there exists a run of the automaton on it (intuitively, the automaton guesses an accepting run). A DFA has only one run on every word and therefore accepts a word iff the single run on it is accepting.

Difference between finite automata and turing automata or turing machine?

A push down automaton can actually store information in a stack as it processes it. It can then choose what to do next by looking at the top of the stack. DFAs and NFAs can't do that stuff, but any DFA or NFA can also be represented as a push down automaton.

What are the limitations of finite automata?

The defining characteristic of FA is that they have only a finite number of states. Hence, a finite automata can only "count" (that is, maintain a counter, where different states correspond to different values of the counter) a finite number of input scenarios.There is no finite automaton that recognizes these strings:The set of binary strings consisting of an equal number of 1's and 0'sThe set of strings over '(' and ')' that have "balanced" parenthesesThe 'pumping lemma' can be used to prove that no such FA exists for these examples.

When was Automaton Transfusion created?

Automaton Transfusion was created in 2008.