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Q: Why a labour standing near the top of an wooden step ladder feels unstable?
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Where can one purchase a wooden loft ladder online?

"Wooden Loft Ladder Shop" and "The Loft Ladder" are both places where you can select and purchase a loft ladder. The UK based "Wooden Loft Ladder Shop" is my preferred choice.

What are the rails of the ladder made o f?

A wooden ladder usually have rungs made from wooden dowels with tapered ends. An aluminium ladder would have extruded aluminium rungs.

What is the average lifespan of a wooden ladder?

Depending on whether or not a wooden ladder is properly stored and treated dictates how long the lifespan will be for it. Most wooden ladders are expected to last a lifetime, so the average is predicated on length of ownership.

How did the Anasazi get to the upper level of their homes?

wooden ladder or base boards

How much does a wooden loft ladder cost?

Prices for a loft ladder actually vary a lot. If you were looking for a cheaper one, they run around 90 to 100 dollars. More expensive ones will go up to around 200 dollars.

Is there any scientific basis that walking under the ladder is bad luck?

Yes! If you walk under a rotten termite filled wooden ladder, watch out! It might fall on you!

What was the nickname given to the wooden ladders used to go get out of trenches in world war 1?

i have no idea...Ok maye ladder?

What state has 100 wooden bridges?

The state that has over 100 bridges still standing is Pennsylvania.

Person stands at the middle point of a wooden ladder which starts slipping between a vertical wall and the floor of a room Why is the path traced by a person standing at the middle of ladder circular?

Suppose the wall is represented by the y-axis and the ground as the x-axis. Let the position of the man be given by M = (x, y). Then, since M is the midpoint of the ladder, the base of the ladder is at A = (2x, 0). also, the point where it touches the wall is B = (0, 2y). Now, AB is the length of the ladder so AB = constant. Using Pythagoras's theorem, (2x - 0)2 + (0 - 2y)2 = c (2x - 0)2 + (2y - 0)2 = c This is the equation of [a quadrant of] a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius = sqrt(c).

What are the parts used for making a ladder?

Are you making a ladder or describing a ladder. You have the "rungs" and the sides of the ladder. Typically a commercial ladder is appropriate for many tasks. But, you can build your own depending on the need. For example using 2x4s for the sides and 1" dowels for the rungs. Drill holes for the dowels every foot or so and glue or screw the dowels in place. Keep in mind that commercial wooden ladders often have steel reinforcing that you may not be including in yours. Or, a simpler ladder would use 2x4 or 2x6 sides with 2x4 rungs fastened to them.

What stores have a good range of good quality, affordable ladders?

Rona has a range of metal and wooden ladder that will meet your needs for climbing higher. I have found that the type of ladder you need is really dependent on both the style of your home and what you intend to use the ladder for. Some people are afraid of heights, so it really doesn't make sense to get a ladder that is too tall. The price of the ladder is often linked to it's construction. Pay a little more and you will have it for many years. Storage can also be a consideration for the size of ladder to purchase.

In The Scarlet Letter Where is Hester standing and why?

In the beginning of the Scarlet Letter Hester is standing on the scaffold (a raised wooden platform) for the public to view for several hours, then she goes back to prison.