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That is because they are of the form

y = a1x1 + a2x2 + ... anxn where x1, ... xn are variables and a1, ..., an are constants.

Such an equation represents a straight line in n-dimensional space.

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Q: Why a linear transformer is called linear?
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What is linear transformer?

The Linear Variable Differential Transformer is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement. A counterpart to this device that is used for measuring rotary displacement is called a Rotary Variable Differential Transformer.

Why linear variable differential transformer is called variable?

The clue is in the name - variable.

What does the abbreviation LVDT stand for?

The abbreviation LVDT stands for "Linear Variable Differential Transformer". In common usage, it is also just called a differential transformer, and measures linear displacement, i.e. movement.

What is lvdt?

The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement.

Why induction transformer called rotating transformer?

Transformer has windings

Ferromagnetic materials used in a transformer must have?

non linear B-H characteristics

What is transducer and how it may be used to measure displacement?

Transducer is a device which convert physical signal into electrical signal ( current/voltage/resistance). for linear measurement we can use LVDT (Linear Variable Displacement Transducer/ Linear Variable Differential Transformer). and for rotary measurement we can use RVDT (Rotary Variable Differential Transformer)

The incoming voltage from the current source to the transformer is called what?

The incoming voltage from the source to the transformer is called primary voltage.

Who is the solar transformer in transformers?

the solar transformer is called soundwave.

How long is a linear meter?

The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.The same as a meter. It is called "linear" to distinguish it from square or cubic meter, but the "linear" can really be omitted.

What is an Earthed voltage transformer?

An earthing transformer provides a neutral in a delta connected system.

What is a transformer called that increases voltage?

A transformer that increases voltage is called a step-up transformer. It has more turns in the secondary coil than in the primary coil, which allows it to increase the voltage output.