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the answer is i dont no the answer is i dont no

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Q: Why a piece of expanded polystyrene feels much lighter the an equal volume of lead?
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How do you write 4069 in expanded form?

Expressed in expanded form, 4069 is equal to 4000 + 60 + 9.

How do you figure cubic feet of volume in a cone?

The volume of a cone is exactly equal to one third the volume of a cylinder of equal height and radius. The volume of a cylinder is equal to πr2h, so the volume of a cone is πr2h/3

Is the volume expanded and the volume compressed during carnot cycle is equal?

Since it is a CYCLE, the overall volume change from minimum volume to maximum volume and back must sum to zero, thus the volume expanded must equal the volume compressed. Now, bear in mind that the Carnot Cycle consists of 4 steps:Reversible isothermal expansion of the gas at the "hot" temperature, T1 (isothermal heat addition or absorption).Isentropic (reversible adiabatic) expansion of the gas (isentropic work output).Reversible isothermal compression of the gas at the "cold" temperature, T2. (isothermal heat rejection)Isentropic compression of the gas (isentropic work input).Although when you graph the cycle on a PV diagram, it looks pretty similar, there is no requirement that the volume change in step 1 matches the volume change in step 3, nor that the volume change in step 2 match that in step 4.

What does volume equal in math?

Volume of a prism is equal to the cross-sectional area multiplied by the height.

Can you make 15 volume developer using 30 volume and 40 volume?

NO. If you mix them in equal parts, that would give you 35 volume. To get 15 volume, mix equal parts of 10 and 20 volume.

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Is 1 liter of water equal to 1 liter of ice?

It's equal in volume of course, but the ice will be lighter.

Is 1 kg of sand heavier than 1 kg of polystyrene balls?

No, 1 kg of sand and 1 kg of polystyrene balls have the same weight because they both weigh 1 kilogram. The volume and density of the materials may differ, but in terms of weight, they are equal.

What element is lighter than helium gas?

Under the same conditions of pressure and temperature, any volumeof hydrogen weighs less than an equal volume of helium.

What does gallon mean in math terms?

Gallon is a measure of volume, equal to 3.785 liters.Gallon is a measure of volume, equal to 3.785 liters.Gallon is a measure of volume, equal to 3.785 liters.Gallon is a measure of volume, equal to 3.785 liters.

How do you write 4069 in expanded form?

Expressed in expanded form, 4069 is equal to 4000 + 60 + 9.

What is equal to the volume of water an object displaces?

The volume of water an object displaces is equal to the volume of the object itself, as stated by Archimedes' principle. This principle explains that the volume of fluid displaced by an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the object.

How do you figure cubic feet of volume in a cone?

The volume of a cone is exactly equal to one third the volume of a cylinder of equal height and radius. The volume of a cylinder is equal to πr2h, so the volume of a cone is πr2h/3

Why can't we measure the volume of an object if it floats on water?

Simply because the volume of water displaced is not equal to the actual volume of the object. If an object is lighter than water, you have to find another method of determining its volume. ------------------------------------ alternatively you could use a very thin pin to push the object under the water. However, the volume of the submerged portion of the pin would need to be suvtracted from the volume of the object measured.

Why mug full of water feel lighter inside water?

When the mug is placed in water, it displaces an amount of water equal to its volume. The buoyant force acting on the mug is equal to the weight of the water it displaces, which partially cancels out the weight of the mug itself. This makes the mug feel lighter when submerged in water compared to when it is out of the water.

What is the volume of water equal to 38cm3?

The volume of water equal to 38cm3 is 38ml. 1cm3 is equivalent to 1ml in volume.

What is Compares is an objects density to the density of water?

Specific gravity is a measurement that compares the density of an object to the density of water. It tells you how much heavier or lighter an object is compared to an equal volume of water.

Is the volume expanded and the volume compressed during carnot cycle is equal?

Since it is a CYCLE, the overall volume change from minimum volume to maximum volume and back must sum to zero, thus the volume expanded must equal the volume compressed. Now, bear in mind that the Carnot Cycle consists of 4 steps:Reversible isothermal expansion of the gas at the "hot" temperature, T1 (isothermal heat addition or absorption).Isentropic (reversible adiabatic) expansion of the gas (isentropic work output).Reversible isothermal compression of the gas at the "cold" temperature, T2. (isothermal heat rejection)Isentropic compression of the gas (isentropic work input).Although when you graph the cycle on a PV diagram, it looks pretty similar, there is no requirement that the volume change in step 1 matches the volume change in step 3, nor that the volume change in step 2 match that in step 4.