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In the SI, these units are derived from other units. For example, an area is a length squared. Of course, it is possible to proceed the other way round, for example to define an area as the base unit, in which case a length would be the square root of an area. That looks more complicated, but it's possible. Thus, whether a unit for a specific type of measurement is a base unit or a derived unit really depends on the system of units selected.

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Q: Why are area an density called derived quantities?
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What are 2 kinds of derived quantities?

It is area and density.

What are 4 derived quantities?

Some examples of derived quantities are velocity (which is derived from distance and time), acceleration (derived from velocity and time), density (derived from mass and volume), and pressure (derived from force and area).

Why area is called a derived quantity?

Derived quantities are quantities that are calculated from two or more measurements. They include area, volume, and density. The area of a rectangular surface is calculated as its length multiplied by its width. The volume of a rectangular solid is calculated as the product of its length, width, and height.

What are the different derived quantities their description and their system international unit?

the quantities that are expressed in term of base quantities are called derived quantities e.g area volum speed force energy

Why is area called derived quantity?

An area, in its simplest form is derived by multiplying together two lots of the basic quantities - lengths.

Why are area and speed derived quantities?

Area and speed are derived quantities because they are obtained by combining base quantities. Area is derived from multiplying two length measurements, while speed is derived from dividing a length measurement by a time measurement. These derived quantities are built upon the fundamental base quantities of length and time.

How area is derived from base quantities?

Area is length x length, or length squared.

What is difference between base quantities and derived quantities?

Basic or fundamental quantities are seven in number. They cannot be derived right from one another. Hence they are independent. They are length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, quantity of substance, luminosity. Two sub are there. They are plane angle and solid angle. But derived are many in number. Just by the name they are derived right from the fundamental. They are area, volume, velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, magnetic induction, electric field, dipole moment, pressure, density etc etc

What is the difference between base quentities and derived quantities?

Base quantities are fundamental physical quantities that are independent and cannot be defined in terms of other quantities, such as length, mass, and time. Derived quantities are defined in terms of base quantities by mathematical operations, such as velocity (m/s) being derived from dividing distance (m) by time (s).

What is derive quantities with explanation?

Derived quantities are physical quantities that are calculated from one or more base quantities using mathematical operations. These derived quantities are not independent and depend on the base quantities for their definition. Examples include velocity (calculated from distance and time) and acceleration (calculated from velocity and time).

What is used to measure derived?

They are used to measure quantities that are not basic. Length, for example, is a basic unit, but area and volume are not so derived units will be used to measure area and volume.

What refers to quantities such as area volume and velocity?

These quantities are referred to as physical quantities in the field of physics. They are measurable properties that can be described using mathematical values and units. Area and volume are examples of scalar physical quantities, while velocity is an example of a vector physical quantity.