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Because there numbers are smaller in there language.

Although im not completely sure, numbers such as hundredfifteen are only a few letters there.

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Q: Why are asians so good at math?
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All Asians are good at math?

not all the asians are good in math

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All Asians are good at math? Some are better than others I suppose.

What is stereotypical assumption?

I think it's an assumption that based on stereotype like, most Asians that you've met are good at math but infact they're not all good at math, you're just being stereotypical because many people thought Asians are good at math and that's just an assumption because it hasn't been proven that they are all good at math. a bit confusing Hope i explained it right :P

What is cultural stereotypes?

"all asians are good at math" or "all Jews are good with money"....both would be prime examples ( i tried to use positive stereotypes as to not offend)

Where did the stereotype that asians are good at math come from?

The stereotype that Asians are good at math can be traced back to several factors such as cultural emphasis on education, strong family support for academic achievement, and top performance by Asian students in math competitions. These factors contribute to the stereotype, but it is important to recognize that individuals are diverse in their abilities regardless of ethnicity.

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Math Homework. Asians have to think very hard.

Who is good at everything?

The Asians.

Why are asians good at karate?

Not all Asians are good at karate. People who learn and constantly practice karate will eventually become good at the martial art.

Do scene hair look good on Asians?

In my opinion, scene hair looks best on asians. (:

Does the website cool-math have virus?

i think no because it is math so its good for us to learn math

Is it true that if you as an individual are great with math you will fail science and engineering?

On the contrary, you will need a lot of math to be good at science and engineering, so if you are good at math you have a good start, at least.

Are aisians good at math--are they?

Yes. Asians who attend all of their classes, study their lessons, complete their homework on time, and live in stable families that value education and encourage and motivate a serious attitude toward schooling are good at math. Just like Africans, Europeans, Latinos, Polynesians, Jews, and Inupiats.