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well it is used for calculating numbers and would be useful but usually calculators are not used during exams as it is a basic rule for not using them !

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Q: Why are calculators used in exams?
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If calculators should be permit in exams?

no, not unless the numbers are very large/complex or they have a lot of decimal places.

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Annuity calculators are used to calculate the returns on investments made in annuities.

What are calculators used for?

Calculators are used to calculate, or solve math problems to come up with solutions.Hope that helped!

How are GPA calculators used?

GPA calculators are used for College students to keep track of their Grade Point Average.

Is the Texas Instruments Nspire good for ninth grade geometry?

You do not need a graphing calculator for 9th grade geometry. In fact, you do not need one for high school geometry. If you want one because you think you may require one at a later stage or simply to show off, then that's fine. Also, you may wish to check, through your school, whether such calculators are allowed in exams. Many examination boards allow basic scientific calculators in exams but not graphic calculators.

Are magnets used in calculators?

Yes, magnets are commonly used in calculators to help hold batteries in place or to secure the calculator cover. Magnets can also be used in certain types of stylus pens for touchscreen calculators.

Are there amortization calculators that I can use with excel?

I recommend as an excellent website for amortization calculators that can be used in Microsoft excel

Are there any calculators with sound and volume adjustment?

There are calculators with sound and volume adjustment. These calculators are used by medical doctors and scientists. They are not available for the general public to purchase.

What semiconductor is used in calculators?

Silicon based semiconductors are the most commonly used semiconductor material in calculators. Silicon semiconductors are also extensively used in computers.

What did people do before calculators?

They used the abacus