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Q: Why are data results significant?
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Why was this hyphothesis rejected?

The hypothesis was rejected because the results did not support it based on the data collected during the experiment. The data may have shown no significant difference or opposite results than what was predicted in the hypothesis, leading to its rejection.

What do outliers indicate?

In statistics, outliers are values outside the norm relative to the rest of collected data. Many times they can skew the results and distort the interpretation of data. They may or may not indicate anything significant; they might just be an anomalous data point that is not significant. It is difficult to tell.

Why should academic journals have such stringent standards?

Statistics can easily be used to misrepresent data enough to show statistically significant results.

Are data and results the same thing?

Generally, data and results are considered the same thing.

What does it mean for the findings of a statistical analysis of data to be statistically significant?

Data is statistically significant if the p (probability) value is below a certain level (ex: 5% or 1%). The p value describes how often one would receive the results they got if left to chance alone. The lower the p value, the less likely it is that your results were due to chance and is stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Also important to keep in mind is that just because something is statistically significant does not mean it is practically significant.

What does it mean for the finding of a statistical analysis of data to be statistically significant?

Data is statistically significant if the p (probability) value is below a certain level (ex: 5% or 1%). The p value describes how often one would receive the results they got if left to chance alone. The lower the p value, the less likely it is that your results were due to chance and is stronger evidence against the null hypothesis. Also important to keep in mind is that just because something is statistically significant does not mean it is practically significant.

What do you call the results of an experiment?

Observations and measurements made during an experiment are called the data.

Outlines the steps in an Analytical Procedures?

Define the objective and scope of the analytical procedures. Collect relevant data and information. Develop expectations based on historical data or industry norms. Compare actual results to expected results. Investigate significant variances or anomalies. Document findings and conclusions. Communicate results to appropriate parties.

How does in the data affect Experimental results?

Bias in the data is inaccurate data. Any error in data will yield false results for the experiment. Experiments by their nature must be exact. Many trials are not accepted until the results can be duplicated.

What is an observation in a dataset?

It depends on the word usage (and what is being asked for). Usually, observation is the results of the experiment. In other words, experimental data. It can also refer to what the dataset shows you. For example, is there a significant deviation between the observed and expected results?

What is the BEST way to state the relationship between data and results?

"Data" are the facts you collect from your experiment, while "results" are your interpretation of what the data mean.

What does sensitive data mean?

Data that is significant to a project in hand .