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Well, one reason is that if digital replaces dial.... people won't know the difference between clockwise and counter clockwise. :)

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Q: Why are dial clocks better than digital clocks?
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Do digital clocks keep time as well or better than standard clocks with hands?

Digital clocks will keep time at least as well as a manual mechanical clock.

Are microwavs with digital timers better than the ones with the manual dial?

I would argue that digital timers are better because dials are often difficult to set for exact time amounts. Also the digital timers allow the consumer the ability to perform other operations that a dial is not able to provide.

Why are LED digital clocks more reliable than analog clocks?

led gives accuracy results

What is the theme in dial vs digital by Isaac Asimov?

The theme in "Dial vs. Digital" by Isaac Asimov revolves around the debate between traditional analog systems (represented by the dial) and modern digital technology. Asimov explores the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of communication and highlights the ongoing tension between the old and the new. Ultimately, the story serves as a commentary on the evolution of technology and the impact it has on society.

Are wall clocks better than the older version clocks in the 1900s?

That's a subjective question, really. Technically, we have digital clocks now, which are much easier to tell the time with. They are also thinner and less prone to breaking. So, there is evidence to support such a claim.

Is an analog clock more accurate than a digital clock?

Digital clocks will be the most accurate because its computer operated.

Is dial up better than broadband?

Not at all, BroadBand Runs mutch faster than Dial-Up.

Is dial up access slower than digital?

Dial-up internet is outdated and painfully slow. Digital internet is fast and you don't have to worry about someone picking up the phone, throwing you offline.

What is better an iPod or a digital camera?

an ipod is better than a digital camera

Can you write a sentence using the word digital nce using the word digital?

I have a digital clock; I find it easier to read than analog clocks with hands and regularly spaced numbers.

Are clock radios better than regular clocks?

Clock radios are better than regular clocks because you can set an alarm so that it wakes you with music as opposed to the buzzer that sounds at the end of a sport period.

Are the digital tempurature controls more efficent then the old dial type tempurature controls What brands offer the digital tempurature controls.?

Yes, digital temperature controls allow you to get the refrigerator to an exact temperature rather than just close to it like the dial type temperature controls do. BIOCOLD is a brand that offers digital temperature controls.