Linear feet are the same as feet so the answer is 12 feet.
A foot IS a linear measure so a foot is a linear foot. So 84 linear feet is 84 feet.
1 yard= 3 feet so 6 yards = 18 feet so 18 feet + 8 feet is _______________ (26ft)
There are 3 feet in 1 yard so in 10 yards there would be 30 feet.
3 feet = 1 yrad so 3+ feet = 26/3 = 82/3yards. Simple!3 feet = 1 yrad so 3+ feet = 26/3 = 82/3yards. Simple!3 feet = 1 yrad so 3+ feet = 26/3 = 82/3yards. Simple!3 feet = 1 yrad so 3+ feet = 26/3 = 82/3yards. Simple!
That lobster is delicious because it is so fresh.
yes she has made someone rub her delicious looking gorgeous suckable feet
Some delicious recipes that can be made using beef feet as the main ingredient include beef foot stew, beef foot broth, and beef foot tacos.
Delicious is describing the cheese and so it is an adjective.
A Golden delicious is an apple so yes you could eat it
I think so, yes.
most delicious
Delicious, so vicious, knishes.
wow its so delicious!!
because it's delicious!
Because it is delicious.