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this make it easier for the honey to remain in the honeycomb and the bees find it easier to make honey

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Q: Why are honey combs hexagon shaped?
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Related questions

This shape is found in a beehive?

Hexagon, the honey combs have 6 sides.

How do honey bees make honey combs?

They make the combs from wax excreted by glands specially developed for that purpose.

What kind of candy or chocolate is shaped like a hexagon?

Believe it or not there is hexagon shaped Toblerone

What is a bumble bees honey pot?

Bumble bees do not have honey pots, the keep their honey in honey combs.

What do bees make honey combs out of?


What is shaped like a hexagon?

There are a great many things in the world that can be shaped like a hexagon. Stop signs can for example.

What cereal killer are you?

honey combs and fruit loops

What are the properties of a hexagon?

well the properties of a hexagon is that is that it's shaped like a diamond.

What does Honey Combs have in it?

Honey comb is a section of hexagonal shaped (six sided) cells built by honey bees for three main purposes. The queen bee lays an egg in every cell that has been specially prepared for that purpose by the worker bees. Some cells are used for storing honey and others are used for storing pollen.

Is a hexagon shaped like a stop sign a regular polygon?

No, because a hexagon is not shaped like a stop sign. The latter have 8 sides.

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Bees have tiny hairs on their bodies that help them collect pollen. The stickiness of these hairs is due to the electrostatic forces that attract pollen grains to the bee's body as it moves from flower to flower. This helps in the pollination process and the transfer of pollen between plants.

What is the hexagon base they stand on in baseball?

there is no" hexagon" shaped base, there is home plate which is a pentagon.