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Q: Why are intervals used to organize some data?
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Some questions require a variety of information, and mathematics can be used to organize the data into more manageable portions.

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What table is used to group data into intervals?

Frequency Distribution Table

What is the use of a graph?

graphs are used to organize data and numbers

Which type of object is used to organize and store data in Microsoft Access?

Which type of object is used to organize and store data in Microsoft Access 2010?Read more: Which_type_of_object_is_used_to_organize_and_store_data_in_Microsoft_Access_2010

What is a data table used for?

A data table is used to organize and display information that are gathered.

What were matrices used for before they were given that name?

Matrices were used to organize data.

Why are unequal intervals used in a frequency distribution?

The most important thing in creating intervals for a frequency distribution is that the intervals used must be non-overlapping and contain all of the possible observations. They are often equal intervals, but sometimes unequal ones are used. It all depends on the data.

What are used to organize and neatly display data?

Graphs and graphical displays of many different kinds. To see a sample of some of these search for graphical representation of data.