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because the fatties of America have no heed of what they're shoving into their mouth. small children can not control their compulsions.

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Q: Why are kids less healthy than 20 years ago?
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What do kids want to eat?

Usually kids want to eat junk food because it is very tasty and they reckon it is better tasting than healthy food. But with some other kids they like to eat healthy. More kids want to eat un healthy than healthy. But we need to get kids used to healthy food from the very start!

Do Americans eat more less healthy than 100 years ago?

LESS, the pills just keep us alive longer

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He and Barbara Spooner had 6 children in less than 10 years.

Do younger kids get less money than older kids?

Out of what i think, yes. The older children will have lived longer and therefore have more money over the past years. Where as the younger children will have less.

Is 5 centuries equal to or less than 5000 years?

5 centuries is less than 5000 years because a century is 100 years and 5*100 = 500 years

Did kids need more exercise ten years ago?

No. If anything, the reverse is true. Kids, as a group, are less active and eating more calories today than they were 10 years ago, which is why we are rapidly headed toward a 75% obesity rate.

What happens if you eat a lot of healthy foods?

"You are what you eat" - that means if you eat healthy food, you will be more healthy; if you eat junk food, you will be less healthy. Healthier people have more energy, get sick less often, weigh less, and look better than unhealthy people.

What is less than a millennium?

A millennium is 1000 years; a century is 100 years; a decade is 10 years. Of course, anything less than 1000 years would reply to your question, for example, "997 years is less than a millennium".

Is a reasonably healthy food should have less then 10 g or less then 10 g sugar?

Neither. It should be less than.

If you weigh 83 pounds and you are 10 years old are you overweight?

yes that is very healthy and i might be worried if a ten year old was anything less than 75 pounds.

Is it safe with three kids on a trampoline?

Yes as long as you don't have more than 4 kids less than 200 kg altogether!

Why do kids get paid less than adults other than the fact they're children?

Children usually have less experience and skills than adults therefore their earning potential is less