The SI unit for mass is kilograms Grams or Millilters
Most of the world uses the SI system of measurements so weight is measured in grams, kilograms or tonnes. In the US the old ounces, pound and tons (Imoerial) system is used
Density is measured in units of mass divided by units of volume. The SI unit is kilograms/meter3.
Density In SI, density is measured in kilograms per cubic metre.
Not sure what you mean with "light build". The SI (metric) unit for mass is the kilogram. For small objects, smaller units such as grams and milligrams can be used; for larger objects, the ton (= 1000 kilograms) is also used.
The SI unit used to measure mass is kilograms. It is written as Kg.
The official SI unit for mass is the kilogram.
The gram is often used as an alternative to kilograms for measuring mass in the SI unit system.
Both newtons and kilograms are SI units. Newtons (N) is the SI unit for weight or force. Kilograms (kg) is the SI unit for mass.
Grams and kilograms!
The unit is kilograms per cubic metre but kilograms per litre and grams per cubic centimetre are also used.
Mass is measured in kilograms (kg) in the SI system of measurement.