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Every line of constant longitude joins the north and south poles.

Therefore the length of every line of constant longitude is one half of the earth's polar circumference.

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Q: Why are longitudes equal in length?
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Why length of longitudes the same?

The length of longitudes is considered to be the same because all longitudes meet at the poles and form complete circles around the Earth. Each longitude line represents an imaginary half-circle that extends from one pole to the other, dividing the Earth horizontally into equal sections. This design ensures that each longitude line is the same length when measured on a globe or map.

Why are the lines of longitudes equal?

Lines of longitude converge at the poles. They are all great circles that intersect at the North and South Poles and are equidistant from each other. This convergence creates lines of longitude that are all equal in length.

How many longitudes are?

There are 360 longitudes

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Yes they are equal in length

Are longitudes same length?

Every meridian of constant longitude joins the Earth's north and south poles, so the length of each meridian is 1/2 of the Earth's polar circumference.

What has four sides of equal length?

A Square has four equal length sides

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A square has four sides of equal length!

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4 sides of equal length.

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The answer depends on which aspect of a rhombus. Its sides are of equal length but its diagonals are NOT!

Does a square and a rectangle has equal length?

A square (a by a) and a rectangle (a by b) can have sides that are of equal length.

Which map is an equal area projection where latitudes are represented by parallel lines but longitudes are represented by ellipses?

The map you are referring to is likely the Mollweide projection. It is an equal-area projection that represents latitudes as straight parallel lines and longitudes as elliptical arcs. This projection aims to minimize distortion in terms of area, but distorts shapes and distances.

What do rhombus and rectangle have in common?

Tessellate2D shapesQuadrilateralfour sides