because it is easier to hold the cylinder than to hold the square prism and cylinder tins can be opened easily not like square prisms
The cross section of a sphere is most often a circle. When the cross section is taken parallel to the base of a cylinder, it is also a circle.
The foods that are at the top of the pyramid (fats) are the foods that you shouldn't eat so much of (that's why it's so small). The foods at the bottom of the pyramid (carbs) they recommend you eat the most of (that's why it's so big).
Most of our oranges are packed and sent out of state. I was in NYC and saw fruit from my area in California being sold in the sidewalk markets.
Nutritionists use math by counting calories, carbs, trans fats and others in most foods.
The most general difference is: > The formula for the surface area of anything with a curved surface and edge will involve 'pi'. > The formula for the surface area of anything with only flat surfaces and straight edges won't.
For most substances particles are most packed in the solid state?
Before contact with the West, staple foods included yam, taro, banana, coconut, sugarcane, tropical nits, greens, pigs, fowl and seafood. Rural people typically produce most of what the eat, supplementing this with luxury foods (rice and tinned fish) purchased in stores.
These 10 foods are on my essential foods for a survival kit list:Basic foods for survival:WaterCoconut oil, lard or other fatPreserved meatSaltWheatRiceHoneyDried or tinned fruitDried beansChocolateOf course, water is the most essential. That is followed by food that provides fat, carbohydrates, protein and salt. These can be individual ingredients, such as those listed here, or prepared energy bars and freeze dried meals.
Yes, most Tinned/sealed food is safe to eat. The only time that it isn't safe to eat is if the "Use by date" has expired
most tinned fruit is in some kind of sugar based syrup or fruit juice calories that add to your daily total.
Yes, most tinned soups contain additives for flavor enhancement, preservation, and texture. Some common additives found in tinned soups include salt, sugar, preservatives, and thickeners. It's important to check the ingredient list on the label if you are concerned about additives in tinned soups.
Most cans are cylinders.
He took limes and fruit and veg.Another AnswerAll foodstuffs that came to Antarctica with Captain Scott were either dried or tinned. A wide variety of food was taken, including pemmican -- 50/50 ground meat and lard, biscuits, tea, spirits, sugar and so forth.
Foods that (1) have ingredients that have grown in soil, and (2) foods that are prepared, packaged, or served in an anaerobic environment.The organism that causes botulism, Clostridium botulinum, lives in soil. So vegetables grown in soil may harbor the spores. The organism thrives in anaerobic (low/no-oxygen) environments, so foods that are packaged in vacuum bags, or foods packed in oil are great environments for the bacteria to grow and product botulinum toxin.
Atoms are most tightly packed in the solid phase.
Excursion has a V10
NASCAR engines have been known to have 6 cylinders, but most prefer to run V8s.