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Because they are multiples of 2. Primes are only multiples of 1.

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Q: Why are multiples of 2 apart form 2 itself cannot be prime numbers?
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Which is greater LCM or GCF. Why?

The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. But apart from that special circumstance, the LCM will never be less than the GCF. Apart from a number itself, all of its factors are smaller than it. Apart from a number itself, all of its multiples are larger than it. You can't have a GCF that is greater than the smaller number, and you can't have an LCM that is less than the larger one. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

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If you're talking about the same number, no. Apart from the number itself, all factors of a number are smaller than its multiples. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

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There are no multiples of 154 that are 25 apart.

What is less common factor LCF?

The lowest common factor between two numbers is the multiple apart from 1 that the two numbers share which is the lowest. For example: The numbers 36 and 45. Multiples of 36 are {1,2,3,4,6,9,12,24,36} Multiples of 45 are {1,3,5,9,15,45} It is evident that their shared multiples are 1,3,9. But we exclude 1, therefore 3 is the LCM (or LCF)

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Prime numbers are numbers only divisible by one and itself.i.e. it has no factors apart from 1 and itself.

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Two numbers that are 2 apart cannot both be multiples of 3 or greater, as there would not be enough space to add the amount on to the lower number. Thus the greatest possible common factor would be 2. Both of the numbers are even, and so can divide by two. Thus we know the HCF of two consecutive even numbers must be 2.

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The prime numbers (numbers which cannot be divided evenly by any other number apart from 1 and the number itself) below 50 are # 2 # 3 # 5 # 7 # 11 # 13 # 17 # 19 # 23 # 29 # 31 # 37 # 43 # 47

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It is impossible to answer the question because the numbers have all been concatenated so that they cannot be split apart.

Is 550 a composite or prime number?

Any even number is always divisible by 2 and thus (apart from 2 itself) all even numbers can not be prime numbers.

What numbers make the product 221?

Apart from itself and 1, the only numbers that divide evenly into 221 are 13 and 17. Therefore, 221 = 13 x 17.

Is the greatest common factor of two numbers is equal to the lesser of the number?

Well, not always. The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. But apart from that special circumstance, the statement is true. Apart from a number itself, all of its factors are smaller than it. Apart from a number itself, all of its multiples are larger than it. You can't have a GCF that is greater than the smaller number, and you can't have an LCM that is less than the larger one which means that the LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

Why all prime numbers expect 2 are odd?

Because all even numbers can be divided by 2 , that means that there would be more factors than 1 and the number itself, apart from 2 be cause it can only be dived by 1 and itself.