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Q: Why are my cat's sides sticking out?
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How can you make 8 pieces on a paper with 3 lines drawn?

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Which alphabet letters are nonconvex polygons?

None. They either consist of curved sides or are not closed shapes (have lines "sticking out").

Why do cats run sideways?

Domesticated cats with their tail sticking straight up are signaling confidence, contentment, happiness, and a willingness to be friendly. Wild cats on the other had usually signal confidence and contentment by sticking their tails straight back (not up).

How can you tell if your Calico Cat is male?

There is no such thing as a male calico cat and a male cats behind would be sticking out and a girls behind wouldn't have anything sticking out. --- Calico males are extremely rare, so it is safe to assume your calicoes are all female.

What are the benefits of using cranberry for treating urinary tract infections in cats?

Cranberry can help prevent urinary tract infections in cats by preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce symptoms of UTIs.

What are some phobias?

There is Arachibutyrophobia, the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of you mouth, Automysophobia, the fear of being dirty, Alektorophobia, the fear of chickens, and Ailurophobia, the fear of cats.

What is the difference between a mohawk and a fohawk?

a mohawk is when the sides of your head is shaved, and a fohawk is when you still have all your hair but a line over the top of your head is sticking up

Do lions have retractable claws?

No, Lions like most other wild cats and even our house cats have retractable claws. Cheetahs are the only cats with semi-retractable claws and they also lack claw sheaths making the claws appear to be sticking out more. A few other cats like the Fishing Cat has retractable claws but lack the claw sheath, so it may look as if the claws are always out...

What was the American armed conflict on which troops on both sides wore flat caps called kepis?

They were called the Cats

What are wing nuts?

Metal nuts that go on a bolt and have a piece sticking out on oppostie sides (like a wing) so if needed the nut can be tightened by hand without the need for a spanner.

Why do cats run the side of its mouth on everything?

Cats have scent glands on the sides of their chins and the top of their heads, which they use to mark their territory. It is believed that rubbing these glands against things also feels good.

What does P mean in text messages?

:-p is a sideways face sticking its tongue out at you.