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Because in a rhombus all of the angles do not have to be right angles but in a Square they do.

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Q: Why are not all rhombi squares?
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Are all squares rhombi?

Yes, all squares are rhombi (aka rhombuses), but all rhombi are not squares.

Are all squares are rhombi?

All squares are a special type of rhombi. The special feature is that all angles of squares are equal.

Are all rhombus squares?

All squares are rhombi

Are all squares rhohmbuses?

Rhombuses (or rhombi), yes. Rhohmbuses? No.

Some rhombi are squares?


Are rhombuses square?

no, squares are rhombi

Are opposite sides of all quadrilateral are in equal length?

no, only parallelograms (rectangles, squares, rhombi.)

Why are all squares rhombi but not all rhombi are squares?

A rhomubus is a quadrilateral whose sides are all equal length. A square has four sides that are equal length AND the angle between all sides must be equal to 90 degrees. A rhombus does not have to have a 90 degree angle between ALL sides.

Are all squares rhombuses?

Every square is a rhombus, but every rhombus is not a square. A square must have all right angles and a rhombus does not. A rhombus is a quadrilateral which has all sides congruent. It can have oblique angles or right angles. A rhombus with right angles is a square. Other rhombi are not squares. By these definitions, all squares are rhombi, but not all rhombi are squares

Do rhombi have lines of symmetry?

Only the ones that are squares have.

When a rhombus is a square?

ALWAYSevery square is a rhombus, but every rhombus is not a square.A square must have right angles and a rhombus does not have to have those.A rhombus is a quadrilateral with equal length sides, and can have oblique angles or right angles. A square only has right angles. A rhombus with right angles is a square. Other rhombi are not squares.By these definitions, all squares are rhombi, but not all rhombi are squares

What quadrilaterals bisect at 90 degrees?

Squares and rhombuses (rhombi?)