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Q: Why are organizing and presenting data important skills?
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What are the steps of statistical investigation?

Defining the problem 2.gathering relevant information 3. presenting/organizing data 4.analyzing data 5. interpreting results

Why are graphs important when organizing data?

A graph is a visual aid on which data may be seen and understood.

Why is organizing research data important?

To know the answer to what you are asking.

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What mistake should be avoided when presenting an argument and why are these important in developing effective arguments?

Incorrect data. It is not important to have incorrect data, in fact quite the opposite.

Why are graphs important in statistics?

Graphs visualize data allowing the brain to interpret a large data set quickly and infer trends.

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What are the ways of presenting data?

Chart And Graph... :D

What do you understand by organizing data?

putting data in a specific place/order is called organizing data.

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What are the steps of a typical statistical investigation?

The first step is to define the problem. The second step is gathering relevant information. The third step is presenting/organizing data. The fourth step is to analyze the data. The fifth step is to interpret the results.

What is a tabulation?

A tabulation is the process of organizing and presenting data in a structured format, typically using tables or charts to make it easier to understand and analyze. It involves summarizing and counting data to reveal patterns or relationships within the information.