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Their at the bottom of the tree because the hole point of a factor tree is to find the prime factorization of the number, so it would be at the bottom of the tree.

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Q: Why are prime numbers at the bottom of the factor tree?
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Related questions

Does a factor tree end in a prime or compasite number?

The bottom branch of a factor tree consists entirely of prime numbers.

How is a factor tree is complete?

When the bottom branch is all prime numbers.

What is a factor tree and how do youknow when a factor tree is complete?

When the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

When is Factor tree in prime factorization is complete?

When the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

How do you knowvwhen a factor tree is complete?

When the bottom row consists of all prime numbers.

What is a factor tree and how do you when its complete?

A factor tree is a representation of the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number. It's complete when the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers.

When is a factor tree complete?

When you can no longer break down factors. when all the numbers at the bottom are prime!

Why are prime numbers on the bottom of a factor tree?

Factor trees are ways of notating the process of finding the prime factorization of a given composite number and, as such, should result in an identifiable string of prime factors.

How do you express the prime numbers in factor tree method?

Since prime numbers only have one prime factor (themselves), factor trees are unnecessary.

Which numbers appear on the bottom row for a factor tree of 60?

as you can obviously see the bottom of a factor tree would be the curious numbers of 2,2,3,5

Do the factor tree numbers have to be lined up corr ectly?

A factor tree is a way of notating the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number. As long as the bottom branch consists entirely of prime numbers, it doesn't really matter how they're lined up.

What is a factor tree and how do you know when it is complete?

A factor tree is a way to notate the process of finding the prime factorization of a given number by writing the number at the top and breaking it down into factors on subsequent lines or "branches." The tree is complete when the bottom branch consists only of prime numbers.