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Q: Why are pyramid schemes fraudulent?
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Pyramid selling plans or ponzi schemes are illegal and fraudulent.

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Why are pyramid schemes considered scams?

Pyramid schemes are considered scams because they lie about actually giving payments and benefits. They are considered illegal in numerous countries too.

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Are pyramid schemes against the law in america?

"Yes, pyramid schemes are highly against the law in America. If you are caught you could possibly spend time in prison and maybe even spend time in a penitentiary."

What were some get rich quick schemes of the 1920's?

The Ponzi Scheme/ Pyramid Scheme Created by Charles Ponzi

What is the fraudulent investment operation in which investors are paid from their own money or from the money paid by subsequent investors known as?

That's called a pyramid scheme.

What websites really work for free ipod touches?

None. At best, they are sites to harvest e-mail. At worst, phising sites or pyramid schemes.

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Are the adds on the websites that say you have won a item f you do this. Are they true?

Generally, these are pyramid schemes or other types of scams. Sometimes, they lead to sites that will infect your computer with viruses. Do not click on them.

Is multi level marketing the same as a pyramid scheme?

Multi-level marketing and pyramid schemes share similarities but share a crucial distinction. MLM involves legitimate sales of products or services, where distributors earn commissions not only for their sales but also for recruiting others into the network. In contrast, pyramid schemes primarily focus on recruitment, with little to no emphasis on actual product sales, leading to unsustainable structures where only the top few participants profit while the majority incur losses.

Is speakasiaonline legal MLM company?

Beware! This is a pyramid scheme, under the "PRIZE CHITS AND MONEY CIRCULATION SCHEMES(BANNING) ACT 1978"; illegal in India. Being a part of a pyramid scheme at any level makes you liable to prosecution. Do not take the risk of losing your money and imprisonment. Help curb the spread of this fraudulent scheme by spreading the word amongst your relatives and friends. Learn more here : moneylife. in/article/78/9864.html wikipedia. org/wiki/Pyramid_scheme It has been blacklisted by the Singapore government for non compliance, search for speakasia here: