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Q: Why are so many bills pigeonholed?
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What happens to a bill that are pigeonholed?

Most bills die in committee.

What are the release dates for Pigeonholed - 1999?

Pigeonholed - 1999 was released on: USA: 28 September 1999 (AFI Film Festival)

What is a pigeonholed bill?

A pigeonholed bill is one that has been ignored by a congressional comittee and has therfore died before being signed into law.

What is a synonym for categorized?

sorted compartmentalized pigeonholed

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What does 'pigeonholed' mean?

Pigeonholed (of people or things) filed in the appropriate category or compartment (like the pigeonholes in a desk), often with the sense of being dealt with and forgotten; shelved.Above retrieved from Answers.comViper1

Why does namo dance so much?

Because namo has so many bills. It costs $999999999 to pay his bills so he dances it off.

What is a synonym for pigeonholed?

Classified, assort, file, label etc.

What happens when a bill is pigeonholed?

It is set aside and no longer considered. >Gradpoint

What is it called when you set aside a bill in the committee?


What does it mean to pigeon hole something?

The term "pigeon hole" or "pigeonhole" can describe a small open space (cubbyhole) used for any purpose (storage, sorting, and so forth), taken from the small enclosures used to contain nesting pigeons. Used idiomatically :A pigeonhole is also a category, especially one that is too specific.A person's position or work description, one that arbitrarily assigns a specific area of responsibility. To be "pigeonholed" is to be categorized as having a particular function, without regard to a person's other talents or skills. Example : "Bill could not get a supervisor's job because he had been pigeonholed as a data checker."(This slang usage is not considered proper grammar.)In the legislature, bills are "pigeonholed" when they are put aside and ignored, as by a Congressional committee in either house. (see related question)

When a standing committee sets aside a bill and no longer considrs it the bill has been?
