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Q: Why are standards need to measured quantities?
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How is bill of quantities measured?

A Bill of Quantities is measured using standard units of measurement such as area (sqm), length (m), volume (m³), or number (no.). Quantities are typically measured according to industry standards and specifications to ensure consistency and accuracy in estimating the costs of construction projects.

Why are standards needed for measure quantities?

In chemistry the need for standards when measuring quantities are in place for accurate measurement that is recognized worldwide. This way, no matter what language or units of measure people use, they will always understand there standards.

Ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in different units?

ratio that compares 2 quantities measured in diiferent units

Milk is measured in what quantities?

Milk is a liquid. liquids are measured in liters.

What is a quantity that can be measured?

A quantity that can be measured is length, which describes how long or short an object is. It can be measured in units like inches, centimeters, meters, etc.

How are the three fundamental quantities measured?

The three fundamental quantities are length, mass, and time. Length is typically measured using a ruler or tape measure, mass is measured using a scale, and time is measured using a clock or stopwatch. Each of these quantities has specific units of measurement such as meters for length, kilograms for mass, and seconds for time.

What might you measure in millimetres?

Small quantities are measured in millimeters. Millimeters is used to measure small quantities.

Are exact quantities considered when applying significant figure rules?

No, exact quantities are not considered when applying significant figure rules. Exact quantities are known with complete certainty and do not impact the uncertainty associated with measured quantities. Significant figures are only counted based on measured values.

What is Ratio Of 2 Quantities Having Different Kinds Of Units?

There are many instances: for example, speed is measured in kilometres per hour where the ratio is measured between a distance (measured in kilometres) and time (measured in hours). So it is no big deal except that you need to mention the units.

What are Physical quantities?

Physical quantities are attributes of an object or phenomenon that can be quantified, measured, and described using numbers and units. They can include properties such as length, mass, time, temperature, and velocity, among others. These quantities play a key role in physics and other branches of science.

Which Two electrical quantities are measured in volts?

Voltage and potential difference are measured in volts.

What does 15 over 4 reduce to?

"Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware that 15 over 4 has anything to do with measured quantities of medication!And, 15 over 4 cannot be reduced."Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware that 15 over 4 has anything to do with measured quantities of medication!And, 15 over 4 cannot be reduced."Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware that 15 over 4 has anything to do with measured quantities of medication!And, 15 over 4 cannot be reduced."Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. I am not aware that 15 over 4 has anything to do with measured quantities of medication!And, 15 over 4 cannot be reduced.