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Q: Why are students embarrasses upon failing to solve problems in mathematics?
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Can a teacher get fired for failing 90 percent of its students?

No, but Yes. It depends how sucky or good your school is. My Highschool's Biology teacher had 75% of her students failing. But she didn't get fired.There is a lot more to this than just failing students. Teachers have evaluations and if she failed to address problems found in an evaluation that could lead to dismissal. If she is a senior teacher that is a factor, and if due process is followed in any actions against her that is also a factor. There are many things involved in this and each teacher is different.

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What was C. Wright Mills's view on society?

Social problems are caused by society failing people, not being failing society

What was c wrights mills view on society?

Social problems are caused by society failing people, not being failing society

What was C. Wright Mills's view on societys?

Social problems are caused by society failing people, not being failing society

What was C Wright Mills's view on society?

Social problems are caused by society failing people, not being failing society

What can students do to overcome drop outs and failing their first year?

keep trying and study more

What can a teacher do to the people who forget their homework?

The teacher can give those students failing grades for that assignment.

Why do teachers give students a failing grades?

In the principle's mind: Student is Tabula Rasa. Teacher is there to fill the empty space. Time goes by. Exams arrive. Student does badly. Teacher has failed to teach. Normally this isn't a problem on its own as some students are just too dense/disinterested to be taught, but if multiple students are all doing badly, it's often (not always) a sign that the teacher cannot interest them enough in the subject for them to learn. Especially in a private school, it's easier to kick out and replace one "failing" teacher than it is to kick out and replace multiple paying students(/customers.)

What problems can a failing brake hose cause?

Worst case? Fatal crash.

What are some problems senior citizens face?

seniors face problems as in failing muscles, short of breath and fatty-ness