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Q: Why are the division of the gts not standard length such as 100 million years?
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What is the length of a standard automobile?

15 years

What is the length in millions of years of the Tertiary period?

The answer is 63.2 million years. Since the Tertiary Period began 65 million years ago and then stoped 1.8 million years ago you have to subtract the 1.8 million from 65 million to get the actual lenght of time.

What is the most common term length for a president?

The standard term is four years.

What is the plant division that contains flowering plants?

Angiosperm is the plant division that includes flowering plants. Flowering plants started over 200 million years ago.

How long was a day 500 million years ago?

A day 500 million years ago was around 21.9 hours long. This was due to the gradual slowing of Earth's rotation over time.

What is the largest division of time on geologic time scale?


What does metric length mean?

Probably that refers to expressing length in standard (metric) units, like meters, millimeters, and kilometers, instead of some non-standard (non-metric) unit like feet, or light-years.

What is the approx length of the Chisholm Trail?

6000000 million light years. So sorry for my friend he is so stupid

How long was Hernan Cortes' length of voyage?

it took only 1 day

Which major division of geologic time was the longest?

Precambrian. 4.6 billion years-544 million years ago. Maybe it's the other way around. I don't know.

What best fits the concept of geologic time a dozen years a thousand years a hundred years or a million or more years?

A million or more years best fits the concept of geologic time. Geologic time spans millions to billions of years and is used to describe the immense length of time over which Earth's processes have occurred, such as the formation of mountains, evolution of species, and movement of continents.

Is there a standard length of time to repay student loans?

10 years. However, students with large loans can get longer repayment terms.