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Q: Why are the fields of science and mathematics so interdependent?
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How did albert Einstein become so interested in the fields of mathemathics?

He was not interested in mathematics, he was interested in physics.

How do you say infinity in Hebrew?

ein'sof and so in certain fields of mathematics the Hebrew letter "alef" - can represent infinity

Can a mathematics student do well in engineering?

Engineering is "applied science", so math is certainly a prerequisite. You need to be good in science in general, too.

Can a mathematics student do well in computer science and several programming languages?

Of course; computer science is a very mathematics-oriented subject. Whether or not they can learn multiple programming languages depends entirely on whether or not that individual has the drive to do so.

What would happen if there were no integers in the world?

There would be no mathematics and so no science or technology and so no computers through which you could ask this question.

Why does economics depend completely on mathematics if it is a social science?

Mathematics is Queen of Science. Just for convenience we have divided subjects as science and art. But now a days we have consider all as science. See even politics is treated as political science. So all subjects as they use mathematics will be more precisse. Hence economics though it is an art subject needs mathematics for precise study.

What is the Relationship between math and science engineering and technology?

Science is nothing without math.. Physics and chemistry are related so far with science.. If there was no math science wouldn't exist, you couldn't calculate the problems in physics and chemistry without mathematics

Why is mathematics is an important subject?

because mathematics, alone as a science, can help other sciences evolve. It's a science which alows theory to be written, by using maybe mathematical figures, and so, it gives the right potencial for the science to evolve. And not only that, mathematics are everywhere around us. They started to exist many million years ago, and see! They are still "alive" and continue to evolve... There's got to be something important in them for this evolution

Does Communications and Computer Engineeering include all the bachelor of Computer Science?

Depends on the county. Some have bachelors at Mathematics Applied to Electronics and such a bachelor is in the Computer Science category. So the answer is no, those are not the only bachelors of computer science.

Why is the rule of pythagorean triad so famous?

The Pythagorean Theorem is famous because it has made almost all upper level math possible, opening up new fields in science. Sine Cosine and Tangent are based on this theorem, and, thereby, all parts of mathematics related directly or indirectly to trigonometry.

What would be a best course for a SCIENCE student without having mathematics?

Mathematics is important in all areas of science, however, you can learn a lot of biology without having to get into anything mathematical. So biology might be your best bet. If you are going into research, you will need mathematics since statistics and mathematical quantification of facts are important. Make sure you take the basics in high school.