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Q: Why are there 94 atoms on earth?
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How many different kinds of atoms occur naturally on earth and why?

i think 94 kinds of atoms occur to earth

How many different kinds of atom occur naturally on earth?

94 kinds of atoms occur naturally on earth

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Why do you think 94 atoms occur naturally on earth?

The number 94 corresponds to the natural occurrence of uranium (U) on Earth, which has an atomic number of 92. There are trace amounts of other elements with higher atomic numbers (transuranic elements), but they are either not naturally occurring or highly unstable.

How many different kinds of atoms occur naturally on earth and why so?

There are 118 different kinds of atoms that occur naturally on Earth, known as elements. This is because of the unique number of protons in the nucleus of each atom, which determines the element's identity. The various combinations of protons, neutrons, and electrons give rise to the different elements found in nature.

How would the earth would be like if there was no atoms?

There wouldn't be an earth if there were no atoms.

Do Atoms affect Earth?

You might say that, considering that the Earth and everything on it are composed of atoms.

What the earth be like if we didn't have atoms?

If we didn't have atoms, the Earth and everything around us wouldn't exist. Atoms are the building blocks of matter, forming everything in the universe, including Earth and all living organisms. Without atoms, there would be no physical structures or substances as we know them.

How many earth's go into Saturn?

94 whole earths 94 whole earths

How you got on Earth?

You got to earth by atoms or mater.

Where are atoms at?

In everything on earth

How information is transferred from distant atoms to atoms here in earth?
