because no number starts with 0. A palindrome has to start and end with the same number.
For example you would have to write 020 (twenty) for it to be considered a palindrome, and that would not be the correct way to write numbers.
189 palindromes.
99 palindromes.
99 palindromes.
99 of them.
there are 90 palindromes in 100 to 1000 As; 10 palindromes in each 100 and upto 1000, there are 9 hundreds.Therefore; 9 into 10 is equal to 90
Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.Since there are no palindromes, the question cannot be answered.
189 palindromes.
99 palindromes.
99 palindromes.
99 of them.
there are 90 palindromes in 100 to 1000 As; 10 palindromes in each 100 and upto 1000, there are 9 hundreds.Therefore; 9 into 10 is equal to 90
There are 39 palindromes from 11 through 399, inclusive.
There are 10 3-digit odd palindromes that are divisible by five.
9:59, 10:01
Since 10 is a multiple of 5, all multiples of 10 are multiples of 5.