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Rainbows require sunlight to hit - and be refracted by - the raindrops. There is less likely to be sunlight on an overcast day.

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Q: Why are there not usually rainbows on overcast days?
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What is the most overcast state in the US?

Washington is because of Seattle which has 240 days of overcast out of 365 days per year.

Are all rainbows round?

No, rainbows form a full circle, but we only see a semicircle due to the horizon blocking the bottom half. The shape of a rainbow depends on the observer's position relative to the sunlight and water droplets that create it.

Are people more likely to be dissatisfied or melancholy on a rainy overcast day?

People's moods can vary, but some may feel melancholy or dissatisfied on a rainy overcast day due to the lack of sunlight and gloomy atmosphere. However, others may find it soothing or cozy. It ultimately depends on the individual and their preferences.

Why rainbows disappear quickly?

Rainbows disappear quickly because they are caused by sunlight being refracted through water droplets in the air, creating a spectrum of colors. As the angle between the observer, sun, and raindrops changes, the rainbow's position and visibility change. Once the angle shifts or the water droplets move, the rainbow can vanish.

What kind of weather it is in Edmonton in July?

The weather is usually hot and sunny in July in Edmonton. There are a few scattered showers and overcast days and occasionally a smog or heat warning.

Are rainbows worldwide?

Yes they are. Rainbows are only an appearance of light when light goes through water. That's why rainbows usually appear after it rains or when it is humid.

Do rainbows come out when there is a tornado?

Not usually. A few tornadoes have been noted to have rainbows near them, but most are not. The vast majority of rainbows are not associated with tornadic storms.

How long does rainbows last?

Rainbows usually last for a very few hours about 2 to 6 hours.

How many days in the UK is an overcast?

On average, the UK experiences overcast weather around 60% of the time, which would equate to roughly 219 days in a year. This can vary depending on the region and season.

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What is a good day to go bass fishing?

Overcast, mild days in the fall can be spectacular..

Why do double rainbows occur?

Double rainbows occur when sunlight is reflected twice inside a raindrop, creating a secondary arc with the colors reversed. This phenomenon happens because the light undergoes two internal reflections instead of one, resulting in a secondary and fainter rainbow above the main one.