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They are: 2*pi*radius or as diameter*pi

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Q: Why are there two formulas to calculate the circumference of a circle?
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What is the ciruumference of a circle?

The circumference is essentially the perimeter of the circle, or the distance around the circle. To calculate the circumference of a circle, use the formula C = 2 * pi * r. Circumference = two times pi times the radius of the circle.

What is the circumference of a circle with the diameter of two?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of two is about 6.28

How do you calculate length of a circle?

not sure There are two main lengths that are pertinent to a circle, namely, the diameter of the circle and its circumference, the phrase "length of a circle" does not convey much meaning.

The circumperence of a radius 8.42 If you calculate something with something it makes something?

The circumference of a circle is calculated as the radius times two times pi (3.142). So a circle that has a radius of 8.42 has a circumference of 8.42 X 2 X 3.142. And that is equal to a circumference of 52.91.

What are the two formulas pertaining to circles that pi is used in?

Angular measure of a circle: 2*pi radians. Circumference of a circle with diameter d units: d*pi units

What is the formula for the circumference of a circle from the area?

In order to convert the area of a circle to the circumference of the circle, divide by the radius and multiply by two. The formula for the circumference of a circle is pi times the diameter.

What is the formula for the circumference of a circle given the diameter?

Here is the two formulas *= pie=3.14 Radius C=r2* Diameter C=d*

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of forty two units?

The area of a circle with a circumference of forty two units is 140.4 square inches.

Is the circumference of a circle is two times the radius?

The circumference of a circle is 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

What is the difference between a circle's diameter and circumference?

The diameter of a circle is the length of a line passing through the center of a circle that connects two points on the circumference. The circumference is the distance around the edge of a circle.

What's the formula for circumference of a circle?

Circumference of a circle is denoted as C in geometry. The formula to calculate circumference is: C=2πr where: π = 22/7 r = radius Note, radius is half of diameter (the line that touches two sides within circle and passes through the center of the circle)

What are the two formulae you can use to find the circumference of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter