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Simply because of the movements of the tectonic plates. Just like rivers and mountains and valleys can't be next to each other.

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Q: Why are trenches and volcanoes in the same places and parallel to each other?
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What was there conditions in trenches?

The trenches were Dirty, smelly, horrible places. You had other peoples corpses (dead bodies) everywhere. And there were also rats :(

What landforms are cause by the continents drifting and colliding with each other?

Landforms such as mountains, volcanoes, and trenches are caused by the continents drifting and colliding with each other. When continents collide, they can form large mountain ranges like the Himalayas. At subduction zones where one plate is forced beneath another, deep ocean trenches can form. Volcanoes can also form where plates collide and one is forced under the other, creating magma that rises to the surface.

How are hot spot valcanoes different from valcanoes in other places?

the magma in the volcanoe is hotter than in other volcanoes

Why do volcanoes occur near trenches?

Volcanoes are located often near trenches because when two tectonic plates collide at a convergent boundary, the denser plate slides under the other plate. As the denser plate bends, a deep depression known as a trench forms. At a trench, one plate moves downward into the mantle. As the plate moves farther downward into Earth's mantle, the rock is subjected to greater heat and pressure. As a result, the plate releases fluids, which causes surrounding rock to melt. This as you know is a volcano.

Where does volcanoes form?

Well, volcanoes form in many places. but the main place where volcanoes form is along the border of plates. this happens when one plate goes under the other and starts forming into a volcano.

What are the volcanoes of Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plate boundaries known as?

The volcanoes in Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plate boundaries are known as hot spot volcanoes. These volcanoes are formed by magma upwelling from deep within the Earth's mantle, creating volcanic islands or features such as seamounts. An example of a hot spot volcano is the Hawaiian Islands.

What volcanoes of Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plate boundaries are known as?

They are known as hot spots.

Name two landforms that are created when plates collide?

Mountains and deep ocean trenches are two landforms that are created when tectonic plates collide. Mountains are formed when two continental plates collide and push against each other, while deep ocean trenches occur when one oceanic plate subducts beneath another.

How can volcanoes islands occur in other places than at plate boundaries?

Volcanic islands can also be caused by hotspots

Where are trenches from World War 1?

It might not be right, but here goes: The trenches from World War One are located in lots of different places. There are a continuous line of them covering over 400 miles from Switzerland to the North Sea. I think there were also some in France and other places too, but you'll have to check that!

What places in the world Have many volcanoes?

Some places with many volcanoes include the Pacific Ring of Fire, which encompasses countries such as Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, and the west coast of the Americas. Other regions with numerous volcanoes include the East African Rift and parts of Iceland.

What are the effects of the oceanic convergent boundaries?
