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Q: Why are you drumming on your algebra 2 book with two big sticks?
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How many different kinds of drumsticks are used in a blue man group performance?

In Las Vegas they have the paddle, the the black and blue no tipped drumsticks for drumbone and then the ones for the shadow drumming and paint drumming + the one big mallet the guy uses for that giant drum piece that's about 4. In Orlando they have paddle, 2 sided drumsticks, big mallet, the one that hits the strings on the tilted piano the drumbone sticks that look like theres no tip on it but theres only one big tip at the bottom of the stick so i'd say that in Orlando there's about 4-5. LasVegas-4 Orlando-4-5

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How many test are in one big box of clear blue easy fertility monitor test sticks?

A big box of Clearblue easy fertility monitor test sticks contains 30 test sticks. However, there are other boxes that contain less test sticks for a cheaper price.

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