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because they just are

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Q: Why are your objects of different proportions and why is this important?
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What is the definition of different proportions?

Proportions of differing proportionality

Why do triangles have different proportions?

they have different proportions because one is bigger than the other one

What is the definition of different proportions in geometry?

This means that the different proportions are not the same. You could have different sizes or have the shapes change unproportionally.

What fats are made of the same elements but in different proportions?

Fats are made of the same elements as carbohydrates, but in different proportions.

Why is it important to classify and group objects in science?

easier for us to knowing different objects by their shapes, colours and textures

How is linear perspective different from atmospheric perspective?

Linear perspective is a technique to create the illusion of depth in a 2D artwork by using converging lines towards a vanishing point. Atmospheric perspective, on the other hand, creates depth by adjusting color, contrast, and detail to simulate how objects appear differently depending on their distance from the viewer due to atmospheric conditions like haze or fog.

Why do opaque objects appear to hve different colors?

Opaque objects appear to have different colors because they reflect light at different wavelengths. The color we perceive is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected off the object and into our eyes. Different colors are perceived when different wavelengths are reflected back to the viewer.

How can two coumpounds made from the same element be so different?

Because the proportions of the elements are different in the different compounds. They may contain the same elements, but the different proportions make them different compounds with different properties.

Why is proportions important?

Proportions are important because they provide a way to compare different parts of a whole in a meaningful and standardized manner. They allow for clear communication and analysis of data, helping to understand relationships and make informed decisions. In various fields such as statistics, mathematics, and science, proportions play a crucial role in representing and interpreting information accurately.

How many lengths is 40 widths?

Different pools have different proportions.

How do the proportions of a mixture relate to its identity?

The proportions of substances in a mixture determine its identity because they determine the physical and chemical properties of the mixture. Changing the proportions can result in a different substance with distinct characteristics. The proportions of different components in a mixture also influence its behavior and functionality.

Why is it important for triangles to have different proportions?

Your question as stated has only one possible answer, or maybe two:In what context? Art? Construction? In geometry it doesn't matter.It isn't.