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Q: Why barren hill slope gets eroded easily as compared to a hill slope covered with vegetation?
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Why is the soil not covered by vegetation easily eroded?

Soil not covered by vegetation is easily eroded because vegetation helps to anchor the soil in place with their roots, creating a barrier against erosion caused by wind and water. Without vegetation, the soil is more exposed to the elements, making it vulnerable to erosion. Additionally, vegetation helps to slow down the flow of water over the soil surface, reducing the erosive force of water.

Why does a soil-covered hillside with sparse vegetation often experience sever soil erosion?

A soil-covered hillside with sparse vegetation is more susceptible to severe soil erosion because vegetation helps to anchor the soil in place with its roots and provide a protective cover against the impact of raindrops. Without this protection, rainfall can easily dislodge and transport soil particles downhill, causing erosion to occur at a faster rate.

What will be the relationship between infiltration and runoff in a region with a moderate slope that has a permeable surface material covered with sparse vegetation?

In this scenario, infiltration will likely be high due to the permeable surface material, allowing water to penetrate the soil easily. Runoff will be lower due to the moderate slope promoting water absorption and the sparse vegetation helping to slow down surface flow. Overall, there will be a balance between infiltration and runoff, with more water entering the soil compared to flowing as runoff.

Why do the llanos in colombia flood easily?

Because of the low elevation and not much vegetation

Why do you think wind erosion occurs at a faster rate in deserts than in places with thick layer of vegetation covering the ground why do you think this is the case?

Wind erosion occurs at a faster rate in deserts compared to places with thick vegetation because deserts have sparse or no vegetation to hold the soil in place. This lack of protective cover allows the wind to easily pick up and transport loose soil particles. In contrast, the presence of thick vegetation in other areas helps to anchor the soil and protect it from being eroded by the wind.

How does the vegetation growing in an area affect the winds ability to modify the surface of earth?

Vegetation can help to reduce wind erosion by acting as a barrier that slows down wind speed and protects the soil surface. The roots of plants can also stabilize the soil, preventing it from being easily moved by wind. In areas with dense vegetation, the wind's ability to modify the surface of the earth is typically reduced compared to areas with little to no vegetation.

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Biofuel is made from vegetation and vegetable oil. This is easily renewed when more plants are grown. This should not be at the expense of food production.

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summarize large amount of data in visual formis easily understoodData can be easily compared

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yes but only if they're covered in peanut butter

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What is a badland?

A badland is a type of dry terrain characterized by erosion, lack of vegetation, and distinctive geological features like steep slopes and deep gullies. Badlands are typically formed in arid or semi-arid regions with soft sedimentary rock that is easily eroded by water and wind. They are known for their unique landscapes and often have a barren, rugged appearance.