The answer will depend on what is known of the shape. If you know only the number of faces, or only the number of vertices, then you cannot work out the number of edges. If you only know the shapes of the faces you cannot.The answer will depend on what is known of the shape. If you know only the number of faces, or only the number of vertices, then you cannot work out the number of edges. If you only know the shapes of the faces you cannot.The answer will depend on what is known of the shape. If you know only the number of faces, or only the number of vertices, then you cannot work out the number of edges. If you only know the shapes of the faces you cannot.The answer will depend on what is known of the shape. If you know only the number of faces, or only the number of vertices, then you cannot work out the number of edges. If you only know the shapes of the faces you cannot.
A rectangular prism is the only shape that is made up from only rectangular faces. But there are countless shapes which contain rectangular faces along with other shapes.
The only two parallel faces on a prism are the ends.
The shape of a cylinder has two flat faces and a circular body
A cube has only one shape and that is of a cube! It has six faces.
You don't want a bunch of names to try to remember, especially in a short story. The fewer names to remember, the less confusing the story is.
A walk to remember ( sorry cant spell right)
Waikiki that's the only one i can remember i went there this summer
Only if they are old enough to remember or they have some piece of information with it on.
The only one I remember is grandpa Joe.
a... i remember only one the name is medusa
Lewis Carroll althought, that was only his pen name i cant remember his real name but you can Google it.
How to do a smiley face is just a : and then a ). When you press enter it will show a smiley face. Just remember, it doesn't work on posts only on chats. :)
as i remember they released an official on line poll for the fans to name the team .,thunder and barons are the only those i can remember in the names to choose from.
You cant Sell Hats :'( Even i wnted to sell Mines but u cant. U Cant only sell nest items & stuff like tht. Btw, My names on Binweevils are: xKiran & xkirandeolx :)
There is no shape which has only circular faces.
Because the Euler characteristic establishes the rule that for all simply connected polyhedra, Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2 Vertices = 4 and Edges = 6 implies that Faces + 4 = 6 + 2 = 8 so that Faces = 4. So there is only one such polyhedron.