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Because the 3 interior angles of a triangle must add up to 180 degrees and 2 obtuse angles are greater than 180 degrees.

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13y ago

becouse then it would have 4 or more sides....or something like that....i dont know what im talking about Dx if this sounds right to you just dont say anything...

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Q: Why can't a triange have more than one obtuse angle?
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If an angle measures more than 90 then it is an obtuse angle What is the converse of this statement?

its is the differents in the way it is said if its not more than 90 then it cant be obtuse

What is a obtuse angle means?

A Obtuse Angle Is A Angle That Is More And A 90 degree.

Does a kite have more then one obtuse angle?

It might have more than 1 obtuse angle.

Can an obtuse triangle have more than one obtuse angle?

No, an obtuse triangle can not have more than one obtuse angle. This is because all of the angles have to add up to 180 and the smallest obtuse angle you can have is 91 degrees. So 180-91=89. 89 degrees is the angle that you need to complete the triangle and it is an acute angle. Therefore, you can not have more than one obtuse angle in an obtuse triangle.

Can a obtuse triangle have more that one obtuse angle?


What angle with a measure of 92 degrees?

Obtuse angle (here is the formula) -: 90° = Right angle and if you don't know the obtuse angle is more than 90° so adding 2 will make it an obtuse angle.

Is 120 degrees an acute or right or obtuse angle?

Obtuse. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees, a right angle is 90 degrees, and an obtuse angle is more than 90 degrees.

What is an angle called at 132 degrees?

It's an obtuse angle. Not exactly, an obtuse angle is an angle that is more than 90 degrees.

Why cant there be a obtuse angle in a right triagle?

A triangles angles must add up to 180 degrees, no more or less

What is an obtuse angle and acute angle?

An obtuse angle is an angle more than 90 degrees but an acute angle is an angle less than 90 degrees.

What is the degrees of an obtuse angle?

It depends on the obtuse angle. An obtuse angle in general has a measure greater than 90 but less than 180.

Does every triangle have at least one obtuse angle?

-- No right triangle, acute triangle, or equilateral triangle has an obtuse angle in it. -- If a triangle has an obtuse angle in it, then it's called an obtuse triangle. -- No triangle can have more than one obtuse angle in it .