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When you straighten out your leg your tendons are tighter, and then there is your patella disabling you from doing that

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Q: Why can't you bend your knee from side to side when you hold your leg out straight?
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How do you heal your knee I bent it back by accident?

You keep it straight, and try bending it, like straight it out and then bend it in :) hope this helped

What muscles are used on a heel raise?

Gastrocnemius and Soleus with leg straight, to isolate gastrocnemius bend knee.

Can you pop your knee out of place and walk after you popped it out of place?

you can but leaving your leg straight is the only way to walk. if you bend your knee as your about to walk youll be in great pain

What is the duration of Cowards Bend the Knee?

The duration of Cowards Bend the Knee is 3600.0 seconds.

When was Cowards Bend the Knee created?

Cowards Bend the Knee was created in 2003-02.

Pain in knee when i bend it and walk?

Pain in the knee when bending and walking could be due to various reasons, such as a ligament sprain, meniscus tear, osteoarthritis, or patellofemoral pain syndrome. It is important to rest the knee, apply ice, elevate it, and consider seeing a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment options. Physical therapy exercises may also help in alleviating the pain and improving knee function.

What is take a knee?

It means to bend your knee while supporting yourself with your other leg. Sometimes people “bend the knee” in prayer.

What is a basic knee bend in ballet called?

I can't be sure, since "basic knee bend" isn't very exact. But most any knee bend in Ballet can be referred to as a plie. (pronounced plee-ay)

What is a verb for knee?


When moving a breathing person into a recovery position what do you do?

make sure the body is on its back so airwaves are open, then lift the right hand so it is straight above the head. then hold the left hand down on face and bend the left knee. gently push the knee to the right until body naturally 'flops' over.

What does your knee allow you to do?

Your knee allows you to walk and bend your leg.

French for bend of the knee?

"Plier" means to bend; "bend the knee" would be "plie le genou." In ballet dancing, we say "plié" when bending the knees.