For roughly the same reason that you can't write exactly 1/3 , 1/6 , 1/7 ,
or the square root of 2 as a decimal.
Many numbers have no exact decimal form. When you try to write one of them
as a decimal, you can get as close to the real thing as you want to be, by writing
more and more decimal places, but the decimal never comes out even and ends.
Pi written in decimal has an infinite number of decimals. The first digits are 3.14159265.
Pi has no definite number of decimal places. It can (theoretically) be written to an infinite number of decimals.
that is the fraction form of pi. in decimals, it is goes on forever...
The first 40 decimals of pi are3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971-To get a lot of decimals simple search "decimals of pi" in Google - there are many pages.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749 44592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306 6470938446095
Pi written in decimal has an infinite number of decimals. The first digits are 3.14159265.
Pi has no definite number of decimal places. It can (theoretically) be written to an infinite number of decimals.
Pi. 3.14159265358979
that is the fraction form of pi. in decimals, it is goes on forever...
The first 40 decimals of pi are3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971-To get a lot of decimals simple search "decimals of pi" in Google - there are many pages.
The value of pi has been calculated to billions of decimals, but in actual practice, you can usually round it to about 5, or perhaps 9, significant digits.
You either keep it as "89 pi" to have the exact value, or you take the desired number of decimals for pi (depending on the desired precision), for example 3.14, or 3.1416, and then multiply.
PI stands for polarization index. We need to find IR value(IR1) for 1min and again find the IR value(IR2) for 10min. PI=IR2/IR1
In 499ce, he is in 23rd years old .he will find out the approximation of pi