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because the earth is round like a ball!

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Q: Why can't you travel in a straight line?
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Does lightning travel in a straight line?

Yes, lightning does travel in a mostly straight path from the cloud to the ground or between clouds. However, it may appear to zig-zag due to the way it ionizes the air and the path of least resistance.

What kind of line does light travel through?

Straight line.

Why does a gulf stream travel in a straight line?

it does not

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When does light travel in straight line?

no it does not

Do photons travel in a straight line?

Yes, photons travel in a straight line in a vacuum. However, they can be affected by gravitational fields or when passing through different mediums, causing them to bend or scatter.

Do light travel only in a straight line?


If light didn't travel in a straight line?


Why does the moon travel in a straight line?

The moon doesn't actually travel in a straight line; it orbits around the Earth in an elliptical path due to the gravitational pull between the two. This orbit appears as a curved trajectory from our perspective on Earth.

What does the sun's rays shine in a straight line?

the travel in straight lines because of the atomsphe

Do high pitched sounds travel in a straight line?

High pitched sounds, like all other sounds, travel in all directions in waves from their source. The direction they travel in can be affected by obstacles, reflections, and other factors, but they do not travel in a perfectly straight line.

Why does light travel straight?

light travels in a straight line because it can only be bend by reflective objects.