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Q: Why can a ghost solve the equation x square root equals negative four but not the equation x square root equals four?
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Which quote is correct - negative ghost rider or negative ghost writer?

The correct quote is "negative ghost rider." It is a phrase popularized in the movie "Top Gun" to indicate a negative response or denial.

What is the balanced chemical equation for ghost metal?

There is no specific chemical formula or balanced equation for "ghost metal" as it is not a recognized compound or element in chemistry. If you have a specific composition or formula in mind, please provide more information for clarification.

What is an antighost?

An antighost is a mathematical field with a negative ghost number.

What movie is the quote negative ghost rider on?

Top Gun

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That would be a negative Ghost Rider.

Do you have to be Italian to be Roman Catholic?

Negative ghost rider! Anyone can be catholic.

Why ghost scare?

Ghosts feed off of negative energy and this is why they can (haunt) you.

What does negative ghost rider mean?

It's just a way of saying no. So if you ask a question and somebody tells you "Negative ghost rider.", they're just saying no. They got it from the movie Top Gun.

Is a care bear a superhero?

Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full. Rainbow Brite is a superheroine, however.

In form view can you usually see all the fields for many records at once?

Negative Ghost Rider.(:

How do you attract ghost?

Ghost bait is available at many wicker and gothic stores. If you live in a major city you no doubt have these stores local to you. Ghost bait is similar in appearance and consistency to cat food, and often comes in small tins. A popular brand is known as wiskers.

How do you harm a ghost?

Since ghosts are considered intangible and immaterial beings, they cannot be physically harmed. Trying to harm a ghost might lead to negative consequences or interactions, as it is best to treat them with respect and attempt to understand their presence peacefully.