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Absolute zero is where all of the molecules of all the atoms cease to move. This is unachievable by today's science because you cannot stop an atom completly.

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Q: Why cant absolute zero be obtained?
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What is the type of data that is numeric in nature and does not have a stable starting point or has no absolute zero?

i cant get it clearly

How many degrees below zero in farenhights holds records?

459.67 degrees Fahrenheit below zero holds the record as the lowest temperature that can [theoretically] be obtained; -459.67oF is absolute zero.

What is the absolute vaue of zero?

The absolute value of zero is zero.

Why cant the adsolute value of a number be negtive?

That is because of the way the absolute value is defined. The absolute value of a positive number is positive, the absolute value of a negative number is also positive. The absolute value of zero is zero. Even in the complex numbers, the absolute value is defined in such a way that it is a real and positive number.

Lowest temperature recorded in a laboratory?

Just about absolute zero (-273.15 C). What you would call "temperature" at those levels gets really fuzzy, as does how it is obtained, but scientists have come within a tiny tiny fraction of a degree of absolute zero.

What is the special name for zero degree Kelvin?

Absolute zero.

The absolute value of zero is?


Is absolute zero is equal to -273 degrees on the Kelvin scale?

Kelvin is defined in such a way that absolute zero is zero Kelvin.Kelvin is defined in such a way that absolute zero is zero Kelvin.Kelvin is defined in such a way that absolute zero is zero Kelvin.Kelvin is defined in such a way that absolute zero is zero Kelvin.

Is zero degrees Kelvin absolute temperature?

It is absolute zero.

Why is absolute zero important?

absolute zero is the essence of nothing and nothing is a quantity of zero.

Can an numbers absolute value be zero?

The only number whose absolute value is zero is zero. This is because a number's absolute value is its distance from zero on the number line.

Can absolute value be zero?

The absolute value of zero is zero. The absolute value of any other real number - or even of any other complex number - is different from zero.