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Q: Why conventional sign and symbols are important in topograph?
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Sign and symbols?

sign and symbols are on pictures

What are the types of conventional symbols?

a conventional symbol in chemistry is symbols used to represent something for example and atom has electrons so the conventional symbold would be e round the atom to how many electrons it has. example: oxygen the electrons is 10 so yu would put rings round the atom wiht 10 e's around it hope this helps

What are conventional signs and symbols?

Conventional signs and symbols are widely accepted visual representations that have established meanings in a specific context or field. They are typically used to convey information quickly and efficiently, such as road signs, safety symbols, or graphic icons in maps and diagrams. These signs and symbols help to standardize communication and promote universal understanding.

What are some of the important Christian religious symbols?

The most widely known Christian symbol is the cross. Other Christian symbols include the fish sign, Greek symbols alpha and omega, staurogram, anchor, and dove.

An arbitrary sign with a conventional significance?


An operation sign but no equal sign?

If symbols do not have an equals then it is an expression.

What are symbols of the Church?

It is a cross sign

What are liturgical symbols?

sign of the cross

How do you type math symbols on a computer?

= is the equals sign + is the plus sign * is the multiplication sign / is the divide sign - is the minus sign

What does the conventional sign QC in a toposheet mean?


The use of symbols is called?

sign language

A picture of Artemis' sign?

There is no set sign for Artemis, it varies with symbols and myths.