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Q: Why did Pythagoras became important to Greek culture?
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What nationality was Pythagoras?

Pythagoras was Greek.

What happened instead of the Greek mix of cultures?

Instead of the cultures mixing Greek culture became the strongest culture

How is Pythagoras and what did he do?

Pythagoras, a greek mathematician living about 2600 years ago, became immortalised simply by finding a method for calculating the length of the hypotenuse without having to draw it out

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What is Pythagoras's nationality?

Pythagoras is an Ionian Greek Philosopher.

Why is Odysseus important to Greek culture?

he was a hero thats why he was important to them

Was Pythagoras was born on a Greek island?

Pythagoras was born in Samos.

Where did Pythagoras from?

i think you meant where was Pythagoras from. he was from samos, an island in greek

Greek mathmetician known as the father of numbers?

pythagoras pythagoras

What nationality is Pythagoras?


Was Pythagoras was black?

No, he was Greek.

Who is the founder of Pythagoras theorem?

Pythagoras, a greek mathematician (570BC-495BC)