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Q: Why did hostilities between the french and britsih increase in the 1700?
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Why did hostilities between the French and British increase during the mid-1700s?

They were fighting over the fur trade in Canada at the time.

Why were the French willing to help the colonists in their fight against Britain?

There were strong hostilities between the French and the British

Why were the French willing to help the colonists fight against Britain?

There were strong hostilities between the French and the British

Why were the French willing to help the colonists in the fight against Britain?

There were strong hostilities between the French and the British

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Fort Duquesne. =)

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it began as a british coline becasue the britsih conrolled it before anybody else

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I guess you mean 1861, when hostilities between French an Mexican forces began. Mexico owed money to France, England and Spain.

How did French and Indian War ended?

It ended with the Treaty of Paris, bringing an end to hostilities between the French and the British. The terms of the treaty required France to denounce all territories east of the Mississippi to Great Britain, excluding New Orleans.

Where did hostilities first break out between England and France?

If we are talking about the French Revolutionary period, the first hostilities broke out between the two countries in 1794 during the so-called War of the First Coalition. In that year France invaded Belgium and the Low Countries where it encountered - among others - a British expeditionary force. The British were quickly repelled and managed to hang on for a while in the northwestern coastal area of Holland but finally had to withdraw to England.

Did the Iroqoius and the Dutch get along?

Perhaps not as well as the Dutch and the Delaware and certainly not as well as they did with the French trappers and traders to the north, but hostilities were rare.

Why did the hostiles between the french and british increase during the 1700?

They were fighting over the fur trade in Canada at the time.

How did the war end Indian war?

It ended with the Treaty of Paris, bringing an end to hostilities between the French and the British. The terms of the treaty required France to denounce all territories east of the Mississippi to Great Britain, excluding New Orleans.