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Because when trying to solve a problem, Algebra, Trigonometry, Arithmetic, Statistics, and Geometry all failed.

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Q: Why did newton require calculus?
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A form of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton?

Calculus is a form of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton.

He invented a new method of mathematical calculations called calculus?

Newton and Leibniz developed the calculus.

What is the difference between Newton and Leibniz calculus?

The difference between Leibniz calculus to Newton calculus was that Leibniz developed Newton's calculus into the calculus we all know today. For instance, diffentiation and intergration, limits, continuity, etc. This type of calculus was the pure mathematics. On the otherhand, the calculus which Newton found was that used in physics, such as speed and velocity which helped with physics greatly. Today, calculus not only used in just mathematics or physics, but used in finance, as well as exploited in engineering.

Is Archimedes the father of calculus?

No, Newton and Leibniz independently developed calculus.

What is origin of calculus?

In the 1660s, Isaac Newton developed Calculus to solve certain types of problems. At the same time Leibniz also developed calculus independently of Newton.

Is it true that calculus is not one of isaac newton's contributions to the field of science?

No, but Newton and Liebnitz argued for years about which one of them developed the Calculus. There is some evidence that Liebnitz had seen Newton's early work on the Calculus. The fact is, Liebnitz rushed to publish his ideas, and Newton finally published his years later, although he did mention his Calculus as a sidenote in a much earlier publication. To Newton we can give thanks for inventing analytical fluxion type of the Calculus, and to Liebnitz the differential/integral type of the Calculus.

Scientist who made calculus?

Newton is the named founder of Calculus. Yet there is controversy because it is claimed that Leibniz stole Newton's Calculus notes and took all credit for Calculus. But to this day Leibniz's integral and derivative notation is more commonly used that Newton's which was found confusing.

Did Einstein invent calculus If not, who did?

No, Einstein did not invent calculus, Isaac Newton did. Liebniz did as well at around the same time and there was a major debate on who invented calculus first, but I think the more popular answer is Isaac Newton. Put Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy into wiki for an artcile about this debate.

When was calculus created?

at the newton's year

Who are the creaters of calculus?

Leibniz and Newton

Who was the creator of calculus?

Newton and Leibniz

Who is one of the inventors of calculus?

Newton and Leibniz simultaneously and independently invented calculus.