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Q: Why did the ancient Puebloans left what you now call the Four Corners area?
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What is the most likely reason the ancient Pueblo Dwellers left the Four Corners area of the American Southwest?

Because explorers must of claim that land and forced the puebloans to leave the four corners

Which early American civilization build its homes in the area now called the four corners?

Ancestral Puebloans. Some people are still using the termAnasazi, which actually means "ancient enemies". Contemporary Puebloans prefer that term not be used.

Who were the ancient anasazi?

Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States, noted for their distinctive pottery and dwelling construction styles. The cultural group is often referred to as the Anasazi.

Ancient Native Americans of the Southwest lived in pueblos in an area where four states now meet Name the states?

The correct is the Four Corners

The border of four states Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah meet at an area called what?

That is called Four Corners, the only place in the US where four boundaries meet in this manner.|

What type of pressure area is located over the four corners region of the US?

The Four Corners area is part of the high Colorado plateau which controls local weather.

Where did the Anaszi lived?

In the Four Corners area of the Southwestern US.

The area known as the Four Corners was home to?

Mound builders

Where is the anasazi place?

In the Four Corners area of the American Southwest.

What was the pueblo Indians climate?

The climate was very warm and humid around northern Arizona.Ancient Pueblo People, or Ancestral Puebloans is a preferred term for the cultural group of people often known as Anasazi who are the ancestors of the modern Pueblo peoples. The ancestral Puebloans were a prehistoric Native American civilization centered around the present-day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States.

Who lived in the four corners area for approximately 1200 years?

the Anasazi

Where was anasazis tribe at?

They lived in the four corners area of the American Southwest.