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Q: Why did you subtract the control value from the titrant in breaker 1 and beaker 2?
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When measuring the mass of liquid in a beaker subtract the?

You must obtain and subtract the mass of the beaker.

Where is the beaker box in Game Show Island?

The BREAKER box is in the factory.

How do you find the mass of an object If the mass of the beaker is 15grams and the total weight is 30.100grams?

To find the mass of the object, subtract the mass of the empty beaker (15 grams) from the total weight (30.100 grams). The mass of the object would be 15.1 grams.

What are the components of titration?

The components of a titration setup typically include a burette for delivering the titrant, a pipette for measuring the sample, a flask or beaker for containing the sample, a stirring device, an indicator to show the endpoint, and a standardized solution of known concentration.

For each beaker identify whether the soluton inside was hypotonic ypertonic or isotonic in comparison to the control beaker?

Sure, do you have specific values or details regarding the solution in each beaker and the control beaker to determine the tonicity?

Why do you titrate into a flask and not a beaker?

Flasks have a more narrow neck, which reduces the risk of splashing or spilling the titrant during the titration process. This allows for more precise control of the titration endpoint and accurate measurements. Beakers have a wider opening, making them less suitable for precise measurements and control of the titration.

What is the Control variable when you blow into a beaker with a straw with liquid in it?

The control variable in this scenario would be a beaker with liquid in it that is not being blown into with a straw. This serves as a baseline for comparison to see the effect of blowing into the beaker with a straw on the liquid.

Is a breaker used to heat flammable liquids?

No, a beaker does not support a flame or heat reaction, it's made of glass.

Does an electric circuit have a beaker?

No, an electric circuit does not have a beaker. A beaker is a container used for holding liquids, whereas an electric circuit consists of components like wires, batteries, resistors, and switches that allow electricity to flow in a specific path.

What is difference between titrand and titrant?

The titrand is the solution being analyzed in a titration, while the titrant is the solution added to the titrand to determine its concentration. The titrand typically contains the analyte of interest, while the titrant contains the titrant, which reacts with the analyte to reach the equivalence point.

Do you shut the water valve first or the hot water circuit breaker when going away for an extended vacation?

the hot water circuit beaker

What would be the effect of placing the standard sodium hydroxide in a beaker which contained some residual water in the breaker?

The standar solution is now falsified.