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Q: Why direction is 360 degrees from north?
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What unit is used for swell direction?

Swell direction is typically measured in degrees, referring to the compass direction from which the swell is coming. For example, a swell coming from the north would have a swell direction of 0 degrees or 360 degrees.

What is 30 degrees north and 70 degrees east?

If you look at a compass, it points north. Each mark is one degree, and there are 360 on a compass, so 30 degrees east of north means that you head towards the thirtieth park to the east (right) of north. On a watch, if 12 o'clock is north, then 1 o'clock is thirty degrees east of it.

What does wind direction 225 degrees mean?

Wind direction 225 degrees means that the wind is blowing from the southwest. The direction is measured in degrees starting from the north and going clockwise, with 0 degrees being north, 90 degrees being east, 180 degrees being south, and 270 degrees being west.

What direction is bearing 360 degrees?

Usually north when talking about bearings, it is one full rotation from 0o.

What direction would you have to travel from California to Puerto Rico?

East southeast. 96 degrees East of true North. (There are 360 degrees in a circle).

If you were standing on the north pole what direction would you be looking?

If you were standing on the North Pole, you would be looking south in any direction you faced.

Which direction on a compass has a bearing of 450degrees?

On a compass, the direction with a bearing of 450 degrees is located in the northwest region. The standard compass measures the direction in degrees, starting from North at 0 degrees and proceeding clockwise until 360 degrees. Hence, a bearing of 450 degrees is just beyond the West direction, which is marked at 270 degrees, and points towards the northwest. ⓗⓣⓣⓟⓢ    :⃝    /⃝    /⃝ⓦⓦⓦ    .⃝ⓓⓘⓖⓘⓢⓣⓞⓡⓔ②④    .⃝ⓒⓞⓜ    /⃝ⓡⓔⓓⓘⓡ    /⃝③②⑤⑥⑤⑧    /⃝Ⓡⓐⓙⓘⓥⓑⓙⓞⓝⓐ    /⃝

How many degrees a flag can turn?

Depending on the wind direction, it can turn 360 degrees!

How many Degrees Of Latitude north Or South Can You Travel?

90 degrees either way. At that point, you're at one of the geographic poles.HAHA

Is Meridians bisect the globe and contain 360 degrees?

Meridians are lines of longitude that run north-south and connect the North Pole to the South Pole. There are 360 meridians that divide the Earth into 360 degrees of longitude, with the prime meridian at 0 degrees.

Is 35 degrees north of east a vector direction?

Yes, 35 degrees north of east is a vector direction because it specifies both the direction (north of east) and the magnitude (35 degrees) of a vector in relation to the reference axis (east).

What does direction N38E mean?

Direction N38E means a bearing of 38 degrees east of north. It indicates a direction that is 38 degrees east of due north when using a compass.