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When a body covers a displacement in the opposite direction of our reference direction then displacement will be negative.

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Q: Why dispacement can be negative?
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by the dispacement

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Whether or not an object has moved.By how much it has moved.

Where is the oil filter on a 2002 ford ka?

dependes on the model and engine dispacement on the ford ka.

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By multi dispacement are you refering to something like the Cadillac v8 with 4.6.8 sequence then yes it is a fuel related operation.

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work done is = to force multiply by displacement here force is = 1000x10 N and dispacement is 75m = 75x104

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perhaps i saw that I'm displacing from my original position though it's not me which is displacing its position. it is the which is rotating that's why it seems to dispacement of mine.

What is 110 degrees equal to in thousand of an inch?

There can be no comparison. A defree is a measure of angular displacement whereas an inch is a measure of linear dispacement. The two measure different things and, according to the basic rules of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

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I think you go to Primavera right?? Well injury like bone dispacement, sprain, or you could just simply get hurt without noticing until the next morning you wake up with your bones hurting all over.

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negative x positive = negative negative x negative = positive negative x negative x negative = negative negative x negative x negative x negative = positive .....

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Negative. Negative. Negative. Negative.

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Negative times a Negative is a Positive. Negative minus a Negative is a Negative.

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negative times negative is positive negative divided by a negative is a postive negative times a positive is a negative negative divided by a positive is a negative